Video Reading Week with Good Deeds Animation Studio

There must be many stories of good. Maybe not that much, but for a week it should be enough.
In the period of lockdown, stress is in the air and leeks from every corner of the apartment. We wanted to dilute the news feed and remind readers of something pleasant. So we arranged a weekly video reading of Volodymyr Nikitenko’s book “210 Good Deeds”. The story tells of an unusual family, an unusual invention, time travel and 30 good deeds daily.
Kirill Nikitenko, Anna Zakletska, Andriy Alyokhin and Sonia Sotnik are invited guests-stars. Each of them presents the story in their unique way, adding even more charm to each chapter. Kirill Nikitenko is well-known as a movie and the Black Square theater actor. Anna Zakletska is a TV and radio presenter, singer, public figure, choreographer and vocalist of the Ukrainian band Vroda. We also know that you surely heard the voice of Andriy Alyokhin – a famous blogger, actor, radio and TV presenter. Andriy voiced in Ukrainian Olaf in the “Frozen” and Louis in “the Little Mermaid”. And yet, you have not once were waking up with the cheerful voice of radio presenter Sonya Sotnik and your morning was filled with emotions and desire to change the world today.